Parents, Guardians, Friends,

The work involved in providing our low cost faith based sports program can only be sustained through the volunteer efforts of our Parents and Families. Our program has doubled the number of children participating and introduced three new sports over the last two years. Along with that growth we’ve had a growing need to get additional assistance in running the program and teams. In an effort to get the help we need, next year we will be introducing required volunteer hours with a monetary opt out option. With that below are a list of Board Positions we will need filled prior to opening registration for next year that would serve to fulfill your volunteer hours.
Please consider stepping in and assisting us- without the following board positions filled we are unable to offer the further opportunity for our athletes to participate together as AMAA Eagles Athletes.

Board Positions

  • Parish Athletic Representative - oversees all sports; appoints athletic directors, is reported to by the athletic directors, handles rosters, waivers, team submission, and all CYO correspondence. **this position is appointed directly by residing pastor Fr. Peter.
  • President - Oversees all functions of the program.
  • Vice President - Oversees the Financial functions, works together with Treasurer.
  • Treasurer - gives budget reports at meetings, collects and deposits money, cuts checks for umpires and CYO entry fees, reimburses expenses, run metrics to decide program pricing, etc.
  • Fundraising Director - in charge of organizing a committee, planning fundraising events, setting goals, finding ways to raise money for our program, contact with the Rectory to secure dates for events, advertising in the church bulletin, etc. Reports to the President. (Projected 4-5 hours a month from August-June)
  • Secretary - keeps minutes at the meetings, maintains calendar updated, directs incoming inquiries.
  • Facilities & Permits Manager - works to find gym time at local schools and applies for permits, applies to the parks department for field permits for soccer, baseball, and softball. Assures that we are using facilities properly and taking care of them when we are responsible for them. Reports to the President. (Projected 4-5 hours a month from August through June) Uniform Manager - Will keep inventory on all sports uniforms. Will order new uniforms. Is responsible for planning the events for the distribution and collection of all uniforms. Will track uniform deposits and report them to the Treasurer. Reports to the President. (Projected 2-3 hours a month from August through June) Equipment Manger - Will keep inventory on all sports and medical equipment. Will order new equipment. Is responsible for planning the events for the distribution and collection of all equipment with the coaches. Reports to the President. (Projected 2-3 hours a month from August through June) Volunteer Coordinator - is responsible for making sure that every AMAA family volunteers hours of service. Helps the Fundraising Committee establish volunteers for fundraising events. Organizes volunteers schedule for gym duties during basketball & volleyball seasons. Helps find helpers for teams. Reports to both the PAR and President. (Projected 3-5 hours a month from August through June)

Each sport has its own Athletic Director... 

An Athletic Director should be a person of good character who exemplifies Christian values, supports CYO’s goals and philosophies and who will be sensitive to the needs of others. The Athletic Director (AD) is a specialist in a particular sport at the parish level. A parish may have an AD for each sport in which it has a participating team(s). The AD will oversee administrative details which insure a consistent and fair interpretation of CYO rules. His/her functions include:

     a. Participation in CYO committee meetings as requested by the PAR;

     b. Knowledge and understanding of all CYO Rules and Regulations;

     c. Knowledge of the rules of his/her particular sport;

     d. Assisting the moderator and PAR in the selection of coaches;

     e. Distribution to Coaches of schedules and other important communication received from CYO Staff

     ​f. Assuming the administrative duties of the PAR upon request. 

  • Head Athletic Director - assists all athletic directors with running their sport, trains athletic directors in their responsibilities, offer training and support to coaches.
  • Girls Soccer Athletic Director - Assists the PAR with girls soccer rosters, deciding what teams to enter, preparing coaches for their season, working with CYO to reschedule games. Reports to the PAR. (Season August – November)
  • Boys Soccer Athletic Director - Assists the PAR with boys soccer rosters, deciding what teams to enter, preparing coaches for their season, working with CYO to reschedule games. Reports to the PAR. (Season August – November)
  • Boys Basketball Athletic Director - Assists the PAR with rosters, deciding what teams to enter, preparing coaches for their season, helping with scheduling practices and gym time, working with CYO to reschedule games. Reports to the PAR (Season October - February/March)
  • Baseball Athletic Director - Assists the PAR with rosters, deciding what teams to enter, preparing coaches for their season, working with CYO to reschedule games. Reports to the PAR. (Season March-June)
  • Flag Football Director - Assists the PAR with rosters, deciding what teams to enter, preparing coaches for their season, working with CYO to reschedule games. Reports to the PAR. (Season March – May)
  • Boys Volleyball Athletic Director - Assists the PAR with rosters, deciding what teams to enter, preparing coaches for their season, working with CYO to reschedule games. Reports to the PAR. (Season March—June)
  • Girls Swimming Liaison - acts as our liaison to the LIAM swim team; works with Bob Warner to ensure that the AM swimmers are on the roster, are being notified about practices and meets, and are register and paid thru the AM program. (Season December—April)
  • Boys Swimming Liaison - acts as our liaison to the LIAM swim team; works with Bob Warner to ensure that the AM swimmers are on the roster, are being notified about practices and meets, and are register and paid thru the AM program. (Season: October—January)
  • Track Athletic Director
  • Cheer Athletic Director