This activity is not sponsored or endorsed by the New York City Department of Education or the City of New York.


Boys & Girls Soccer, ​​Boys & Girls Basketball, ​​Boys & Girls Swimming, ​​Girls Volleyball, Flag Football, Softball, ​Baseball, ​​Boys & Girls Track and Cheerleading!​  In addition, we're hoping to offer the new CYO Sport: Bowling!

New Registrants always welcome!​  ​Pre-K to 12th Grade!   


  • The participants must live within the parish boundaries (American Martyrs zone) for automatic eligibility.

  • If the participant doesn't live within the boundaries, but they attend the American Martyrs Religious Education program and the family is registered with American Martyrs Parish, they are still eligible to be a Parish Player.

  • If your child attends our parish school, St. Kevin's Academy, he/she may be an eligible parish player.

  • We welcome participants from other parishes; however participation is dependent upon approval from the parish that you are zoned for, as well as CYO.  Additional paperwork may be required. If you parish borders American Martyrs or is in our Deanery but does not offer the sport or have a team for your child to play on, you may be eligible for a Deanery Players status. You must register with your parish first before registering with AMAA. Some parishes included in this exception are Holy Family, St. Robert's, Incarnation, St. Anastasia, Sacred Heart, St. Kevin's, Our Lady of the Snows, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of the Blessed Sacrament, Queen of Peace, St. Gerard.

  • Open to all persons regardless of religious affiliation.  

Competition is between parish sponsored teams, and is regulated by established age divisions.

When space is limited, preference may be given to parish members. 
​​For a comprehensive explanation, refer to the CYO Rules & Regulations